Every Mistake is a Teachable Opportunity
This free 45 minute webinar workshop is designed to help you see that all misbehaviour, can be dealt with using positive discipline.
It's easy as parents to have a parenting pendulum and swing between being laisser-faire and permissive, believing it's not worth the angst in the moment.....through to coming down on them heavily and being that authoritarian parent, who punishes and takes things away.
When kids mess up and make mistakes, it's important to enable them to deal with their mistake in a constructive way, and turn it into a learning opportunity.
This short free webinar explores:
- How we can teach our children to take responsibility for their actions,
- To forgive themselves and to learn something from the experience that will make it less likely that it will happen again.
- To not be afraid of making mistakes.
- To accept that with every mistake can always come a repair.
You'll learn one of the most powerful Parent Practice techniques called 'The Mistakes Process' which is a way of dealing with things when they go wrong without making a drama out of it, not because it isn’t serious, but because we have to teach our children about moral issues in way that is effective.
Instead of reacting with blame and criticism 'The Mistakes Process' gives you a method which allows you to be a bit less emotional and a lot more effective.
Webinar Content
Don't miss out
New Parenting Course starting Tuesday 24th January 8pm for 6 weeks.
My Harmony at Home course is my Signature Positive Parenting course, complete with live group coaching from Elaine Halligan.
You also have the ability to ask any questions in the Parent School Q and A and Elaine is on hand to answer over the 6 week course duration.