Never Have to Ask your Child Twice

Does it drive you mad when your children don’t listen to, ignore or defy you? Do you find yourself repeating things over and over again only to wind up shouting at and threatening your children? Do you sometimes feel as if you are talking to a brick wall? Do you wonder what happened to respect (and when did you turn into your mother/father)?

 Children learn to tune us out when we nag, remind, lecture and criticise. This webinar will cover why children don’t listen and what parents can do to encourage children to listen and to follow instructions.

 Don’t miss the three stage approach for maximising cooperation

This talk covers:

  • Understanding why children don’t do what we ask, taking into account brain development, individual temperamental traits, and the emotional drivers behind behaviour
  • Understanding what parents habitually do that in fact exacerbates defiance, rebelliousness and learned helplessness
  • What will not work to gain cooperation
  • What does motivate children
  • How to give instructions in a way that encourages cooperation

Sam R, mum to 2 tweens says:

Just a quick note to say the webinar was excellent. It's taken me and my husband a while to watch over a few nights, but genuinely helpful and pitched at exactly the right level. Virtually every thing I wanted you to say or advise on, you did; and if not, a question we had wanted to raise then popped up in the chat which you answered! I think we've both learnt really useful stuff. 

I've just been watching a much less good webinar on resilience, with less good trainers, and pitched at a level as if no one has ever heard of this stuff before, when the reality is that as middle class parents we have probably read some books, and might be au fait with the basics, but need taking to the next stage. Thank you Elaine

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