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30 days to Positive Parenting
Getting Started
Getting to know Elaine, your parenting coach -Ted X talk
Let the journey begin (2:17)
Course Checklist
Day One: Begin with the end in mind
Day one video : Begin with the end in Mind (3:21)
Day Two: Good Behaviour
Day Two video: Good behaviour (4:10)
Day Three: The Magic Ratio
Day Three Video : The Magic Ratio (4:44)
Day Four: The Golden Book
Day Four Video: The Golden Book (5:53)
Day Five: The Pasta Jar
Day Five Video: The Pasta Jar (4:38)
Day Six: Be an Emotion Coach
Day Six video: Be an emotion coach for your child (3:25)
Day Seven: Naming the emotions
Day Seven Video: Naming Emotions (4:14)
Day Eight : Chat Throughs
Day Eight video: Chat Throughs (4:55)
Day Nine: The 3 Stage Approach to giving instructions
Day Nine Video: The 3 Stage Approach (5:56)
Day Ten: Be a time realist
Day Ten Video: Be a Time Realist (3:36)
Day Eleven: Family Meetings
Day Eleven video : Family meetings (4:40)
Day Twelve: Bribe vs Reward
Day 12 video: Bribe vs Reward (3:50)
Day Thirteen: Rewards
Day Thirteen Video: Rewards (5:13)
Day Fourteen: Family Values
Day Fourteen Video: Family Values (4:36)
Day Fifteen: Rules
Day Fifteen Video: Rules (4:19)
Day Sixteen: Influence vs Power
Day Sixteen Video : Influence vs Power (3:29)
Day Seventeen : Take Two's
Day Seventeen Video: Take Two's (5:14)
Day Eighteen: The Mistakes Process
Day Eighteen Video: The Mistakes Process (4:06)
Day Nineteen: Self Reliance
Day Nineteen video: Self Reliance (5:21)
Day Twenty: " I" Statements
Day Twenty video: 'I' statements (2:57)
Day Twenty One: Giving choices
Day Twenty One Video: Giving Choices (3:58)
Day Twenty Two: Intentional Language
Day Twenty Two Video: Intentional Language (2:26)
Day Twenty Three: Special Time
Day Twenty Three Video: Special Time (3:48)
Day Twenty Four: Sibling Harmony
Day Twenty Four video: Sibling Harmony (3:06)
Day Twenty Five: Bickering and what to do about it
Day Twenty Five Video: Bickering (4:40)
Day Twenty Six : Understanding your child's temperament
Day Twenty Six video: Temperament (4:32)
Day Twenty Seven: Learn to say No
Day Twenty Seven Video: Say No (3:24)
Day Twenty Eight: Realistic Expectations
Day Twenty Eight Video: Realistic Expectations (3:58)
Day Twenty Nine: Shed the Shoulds
Day Twenty Nine Video: Shed the Shoulds (2:49)
Day Thirty: Not being a problem but having a problem
Day Thirty Video: Being or Having a Problem (5:07)
Day Twenty Six video: Temperament
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